
research oversight

医学生物学領域に関する国際原則 (The international Guiding Principles For Biomedical Research Involving Animals) は、10の原則からなります。

1. While implementation of these Principles may vary from country to country according to cultural, economic, religious, and social factors, a system of animal use oversight that verifies commitment to the Principles should be implemented in each country.

2. This system should include a mechanism for authorization (such as licencing or registering of institutions, scientist, and/or projects) and oversight which may be assessed at the institutional, regional, and/or national level.

3. The oversight framework should encompass both ethical review of animal use as well as considerations related to animal welfare and care.

4. It should promote a harm-benefit analysis for animal use, balancing the benefits derived from the research or educational activity with the potential for pain and/or distress experienced by the animal.

5. Accurate records should be maintained to document a system of sound program management, research oversight, and adequate veterinary medical care.

つまり、研究のためには、どんな動物実験を行ってもよい、というわけではありません。だから、research oversightという言葉が出てくるのだと思います。倫理的、法的に適正な動物実験を行っているかを監視するシステムです。日本では、各機関の動物実験委員会がこれに該当するのでしょう。

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